It was during an amazing down pour and thunderstorm last Saturday that your terrific habits and quirky ways were brought to the forefront of my mind once again.
Jared and I, minus our mini me, decided to take the canoe out early to a local lake in Suches, GA. We stayed out enjoying some fishing and swimming for a few hours but saw the onset of a nasty looking storm approaching, so we quickly loaded up the boat and headed home. The sky opened up on us on our trip back down the mountain and we narrowly escaped having to delay our boat unload at home by a matter of minutes, as the storm was in hot pursuit of us. I'm not sure if it was the late evening before (childless), the early morning activities, or the simple battering of rain down on our roof that made me feel the exhaustion roll in, but no matter I decided to take a nap for the first time in a really long time.
As I laid my head down the thunder outside started to clap with the fury, so I lay awake thinking of you for a while. Your insane ability to sleep until 11:00 am and then take a four hour nap at 6:00 pm was the first thing I thought of. I used to question you all the time on your inability to maintain a normal sleep pattern and you would always reply, "Because I am not old, like you". As though being old disqualified you from having a life after the sun went down.

It was during a recent conversation with our brother Vince in which he was kind enough to help me to understand the habitual meanderings of 'kids these days', as if I am really that old! His explanation was not a whole lot more substantial than your own and consisted of, "Because it just makes sense to nap late then go out at a 'normal' time". Kids these days.
So when I laid down to take a nap last Saturday, during the most perfect of napping weather, and started thinking of you, I thought, "Nope, not quite right, I am about six hours earlier than her schedule." But I figured you might be proud that I was at least 'giving it a try' anyway.
You will always be the napping queen in my mind (well, second to mom), but I figured in Heaven you probably don't really need them. Knowing you though, you probably take them anyway because your most amazing talent was sleeping at any time, any where, under any circumstances...even up there.
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