I was making an uneventful trip through Walmart the other day and on my way to the pet aisle I passed the 'scent' aisle. It was in the passing that I got a little choked up in the throat through a memory of you. I was remembering the time that we had taken a trip to Walmart, unplanned, but I had coupons for a very specific Febreeze candle. Upon arriving at this aisle to locate the appropriate candle, you decided to take control. you would pick up a candle and say, "Oh, this one smells nice". I would reply, "Chelsea, that is a Gain candle, I don't have a coupon for that one". This went on for about 25 minutes, you picking up the wrong brand and attempting to talk me into purchasing it, and me discouraging the brand that you chose because that was not what the coupon was for. After a number of minutes and extreme boredom setting in on you, you looked up and said, "So what is it that you are looking for?", I replied, "They say that 'Patience is a virtue', Chelsea". You then, in the glory that made you who you are, asked me who "they" was.
This brought me to a cross roads in my life because for the first time I didn't know the answer. I still to this day cannot answer this question.

You were so great at making me feel completely normal in the fact that perhaps our family was nuts in their thoughts and reassuring me that everything would eventually work its way out. I'm not sure that our family knew of our connection because of our blatant display of dislike towards each other in public, but it was implied during one of these heated conversations that because we were "on the outs" during your death that it would not impact me at all. How false and far from the truth that could be.
Sophie asked during the funeral service for Daddy Al where he was. Her mother replied that he was in heaven with Aunt Chelsea. I looked to her and said, "And she is probably hating not being able to get away with everything she wants to because Daddy Al is there to keep a watchful eye on her".
I giggle to myself about that everyday. I liked to pretend that after 'burying' my 19 year old sister that there would be little else that could effect me in that way, again to be proven wrong because death is one in its own and there is little that can be done about its effects. We hope that we can be strong when we need to be and weak when we are alone. Although I have recently brought to my knees in a moment of strength and brought to praise in a moment of weakness...
So when you have given all that you can and feel that you can't give anymore and you feel yourself breaking, is patience a virtue or a burden...let me know if you figure that out. I guess I will learn to practice what I preach...
I know the Walmart 'scent' aisle will never be the same and neither will family gatherings without two beautiful and unwavering souls present but I can hope that you are there, by my side, regardless of how we left things between us, helping me along the way. Car trips will never be the same without you and something I apparently didn't say enough while you were with me but I love you!! I love you! I love you!
* I try to maintain my honesty in my feelings for the sake that somewhere, somehow, I am helping others, however I also try to maintain dignity for those involved in these stories/memories. Be patient with me.
I don't think anyone thought that you not impacted because you "were on the outs", quite the opposite. You were sisters and siblings have arguments, and I'm sure it wasn't the first. She knew you loved her. No one could have predicted that night. Cherish the wonderful memories & don't look back. Sounds like y'all had some great & special times together! Keep an eye on her Daddy!
PS: Don't ask me how my post ended up on a March 17th blog, just rack it up to an aunt who is behind on all of this & gmail that is screwing me up!
Holly, Thank you so much for continuing to write these. I can imagine how painful it is to share the truth, like the fact that you and Chelsea weren't exactly perfect, but I hope you know how appreciated it is. Chelsea and I weren't in the best place either, and it's good to know that one of us can admit that. Thank you for writing these because it genuinely helps me through the times I miss her so much or can't seem to get her in my head like I used to. You are really appreciated and I hope you and your family continue to "heal" as much as possible; my heart still goes out to you everyday.