I've been thinking of you a lot lately.
Tonight I was staring at the moon through the slats of that rickety old fence that we put up and I couldn't quite see the entirety of the moon. It was annoying. So I found myself trying to look through each slat to get a better view.
This year has proved nothing more than a thorn in my side...and one in others as well, and we are all wondering what we will come out on the end with....perhaps you know the answer.
I remember the way that you were always so perceptive and intuitive to everything around you. You would always point out things that I never would have noticed. Be it a stray animal on the side of the road or a homeless person outside of a seedy gas station on the wrong side of the tracks in Savannah, you would always stop and wonder.
Since you've been gone I have found myself trying to be more perceptive, taking the time to stop and think about the actions I take and the words that I share.
A friend of mine, one that you know pretty well, got some rough news today, as you may know. This gave me a twinge of hate towards this year, but then I thought about how you would probably criticize me for being too emotionally involved and to SNAP OUT OF IT! But then you would reflect on the human emotions that you were so gracefully given (ones that I lack) and reflect on the pain that could be expected to follow. You had an amazing ability to precept what was going to happen and you were equipped with an uncanny skill of having human compassion. You were always so much better than me at that...perhaps my better half.
So after some time, I decided to try to get a better view of the moon. I took the human emotions and moved them to a higher ground, which you would have done. "So just walk around it, Holly", is what you always said when something frustrating was impeding my way. So I walked around that annoying fence and look what was seen...
Hard to believe it has been as long has been...I sure do miss arguing pointlessness with you.
Take care and I love you....
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