I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I'm not sure if the impending doom of the anniversary of your death or the memories of the night that you died replaying in my head or that brings about this constant reminiscing. Whatever it is, I know that it doesn't seem to get any easier but at the same time I couldn't imagine not thinking about you. Don't get me wrong, not a day passes that you don't cross my mind at some point. Whether it's a box of Girl Scout cookies, an empty package of cookie dough, or a terrible song on the radio, everything is a constant reminder of the void you left and the vivacious personality that was you.
Perhaps the reason you've been on my mind more than usual is because of your newest niece. Ellis Chelsea Brode was born February 11 in the middle of a snow storm. Much like the aunt that she is named after, she knows how to make an entrance. It's bittersweet, really. There is now a niece here that will never meet the aunt that she is named after. But don't you fret, I will make sure to tell her about you. I will tell her about the crazy things that you did and said. I will remind her of you often and point to your picture. One look at one of your pictures and she will know from the smile on your face the type of person that you were. You had it written all over your face.
I look at Ellis and Reagan and I am quickly reminded of a pair of sisters that were the same in age difference that once lived next door. Though our 9 year age difference gave us a little bit of a rocky start, as we grew so did our friendship. I look at them now and wonder: Will Ellis soon be bursting into Reagan's room unannounced and unwelcomed singing at the top of her lungs? Will she embarrass her older sister in front of her friends by spilling household secrets? Will Ellis make ridiculous requests of Reagan or call her horrible names when she is angry? And will Reagan reciprocate? One day, not too long from now, they will be grown and enjoy each others company. They will reminisce about the crazy things that their parents did and make fun of us. They will drive to the mall together singing along to their favorite country song. Yes, there will be a time that they fight as passionately as they will love each other. But that's the amazing thing about sisters...there is no one else on the planet that they can experience that relationship with.
The difference will be that their relationship will not be abruptly ended by tragedy. I hope to never read a blog written about one of my daughters being missed by the other. My hopes for them will be to love and fight intensely...until they are old and grey.

The difference will be that their relationship will not be abruptly ended by tragedy. I hope to never read a blog written about one of my daughters being missed by the other. My hopes for them will be to love and fight intensely...until they are old and grey.
I read this with tears streaming down my face. You and Chelsea are both very passionate people and that is why your fights were as intense as your good times. I love you! Mom
ReplyDeleteI love reading these posts but they make me cry every time. You can tell how much you loved your sister and it is a gift to your mama.
ReplyDeleteThis is so sweet holly. I'm crying at work btw tony and dr r.
So beautiful and so very true...
ReplyDeleteSisters are very special, peaks and valley, thunderstorms and sunsets, similarities and differences. The experience of growing up with a sibling or a sister is special. You're blessed to have had Chelsea in your life. Thanks for sharing.